Hi everyone,
It’s been a very busy few weeks since my last blog post and I am excited to share the latest updates and enhancements we’ve made to our game “Rift of the Realms”.
First of all, I want to give a shoutout to Lakshya Tyagi for his incredible work on expanding and lighting up our game map. We’ve expanded the playable area, making it easier for players to move around but also introduced dynamic lighting per realm that adds depth and atmosphere.
Game features added:
Machine Parts Indicator: Players can now see a visual indicator hovering over machines, displaying the number of parts required for repair.
Machine Fixing: Players in the Light realm team can repair the machine by holding the E key when in proximity to it. A UI progress wheel provides feedback on the repair process. Once the machine is fixed, all players can see it is fixed.
Backend Development: We've implemented Postgres database to store player data such as coins, scores and names. The linkage between the Postgres database and Unity is a Laravel application, that is then hosted on Render. Below, you can see an example of the PlayerInfo table created in the application locally, showcasing the player information retrieved through an API. From Unity, a web request class has been written that can talk to the API hosted on Render.
On the user interface front, the Light Realm and the Dark Realm players have a unique UI view. The Light Realm player has a scoreboard to indicate how many Machine Parts they have collected and how many machines have been fixed. Both the Light Realm and the Dark Realm players have a round countdown timer, that is in sync across the Photon network. There is also a team badge that is different for Light and Dark realm players to indicate which realm they are in.
Light Realm view
Dark Realm view
Also there has been some work to start looking at adding animations and different skins for the characters.
In other news, we will deliver our final in class presentation, where Lakshya Tyagi and I will present our progress.
That's all for now, stay tuned for more updates and enhancements coming soon! If you're interested in diving deeper into the project, check out our Github repository here.
Thanks for reading,